Game Maker Resource Bank

Game Making - Key Stage 3 Levels

The level you can earn for working with Game Maker depends a lot on what you do. Making one or more of the games from the tutorial list will not be enough for the higher levels. You get higher marks for creating your own sprites, adding appropriate start and end screens to your game. Higher marks still go to those people who create their own objects with new rules and behaviours.

In order to award the levels below, your teacher will need evidence of what you did to earn the level. By looking carefully at the grid below, selecting the levels you think you have earned and presenting evidence (in the form of screenshots and explanations), your teacher will find it easier to see where you have achieved the levels listed.

Can identify the rules, variables and other elements of the game that you have reviewed from a list that you are given.Can identify the rules, variables and other elements of the game that you have reviewed and relate these to the design plan that you complete.Can identify the rules, variables and other elements of the game that you have reviewed, relate these to the design plan that you complete, and develop suitable criteria for testing your design plan. 
Understand that a game is made up of rules.Understand that a game is made up of rules.Understand that the rules within a game make it work the way that it does and that changing the rules will change the way it works. 
Can identify what happens when you change rules in the game design.Can predict what happens when you change rules or values in the game design.Show that you understand that any changes you make need to be checked to make sure that they are effective. 
Can follow a list of instructions to change an action or event.Can identify the changes you need to make a target behave in a certain way.Know how to improve your game by changing the events and actions in the game. 
Understand that game objects moves as a result of inputs and outputs.Can program appropriate events to give the results you want.Can describe, in words, the steps involved in making something happen and program these events.Can develop complex events by refining your instructions to achieve an effect that will improve the game.
 Can try out different events and actions in Game Maker, look at the result and improve the game.Can try out different events and actions in Game Maker, look at the result and improve the game, making it more suitable for the intended audience.Can create new game objects and levels for the game to make it more interesting for the intended audience.
 Can create a complete, working game.Can add start, finish and splash screens to the game to present the game professionally for your target audience.Can add start, finish and splash screens to the game to present the game professionally for your target audience based on research that you have done.
 Use graphics and sound editing packages to edit game resources.Use graphics and sound editing packages to create original or edit game resources that are suitable for the intended audience.Create and use a set of appropriately themed sprites, sounds and backgrounds for the game. All items should be made to a high standard and be entirely suitable for the intended audience.
Can say how the game can be improved to make it more suitable for the intended audience.Can explain how the game can be improved to make it more suitable for the intended audience.Can say how the game can be improved to make it more suitable for the intended audience, and say how you can test your decisions.Can create and use a test plan to make sure that your game works as it should and is suitable for your audience.
Understand how to use a simple questionnaire or form to collect feedback on your game ideas.Understand how to use and improve a questionnaire or form to collect relevant feedback on your game ideas.Understand how to use and improve a questionnaire or form to collect relevant feedback on your game ideas and record the improvements you will make to your game as a result.Analyse the feedback you have received and make changes to the game as a result of those comments.