Game Maker Resource Bank

What Is A Game?


Trying Out Some Games

Test out the following games from

Think carefully about the experience that you have had with these games. Now try out the following games,

What are the main differences between the first set of games and the threee that you have just played?

None of the first 3 games is finished. Important features of game play are missing. As you read through this page, you will be able to explain more clearly what these features are. The main problem is that the first 4 games are not complete games. Some of them aren't even really games. The hangman or patience may be limited, but at least they are finished.

Definition Of A Computer Game

A computer game is a software program in which one or more players make decisions through the control of game objects and resources, in pursuit of a goal.

A computer game is a software program

A computer game involves players

Playing a game is about making decisions

Playing a game is about control

Game objects and resources

A game needs a goal


Think about the Shoot Ponies game. The subgoal is to shoot a pony. There is no main goal, the game carries on forever. What might make this game better?

Think about the Patience game. The subgoal is to match cards that add up to 11 or cover JQK. The main goal is to play the whole deck. This game is complete.


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