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Multiwingspan Home Page
Multiwingspan Games
Gnasher @ Multiwingspan
Multiwingspan Calendar
Multiwingspan Clock
About Multiwingspan
Visual Basic 6.0 Guide
Visual Basic 6.0 Examples
Turbo Pascal Guide
SWI Prolog Guide
Visual Basic 2005 Guide
Structured Query Language
Web Design
HTML Design Tasks
Introduction To HTML
Introduction To CSS
Introduction To Javascript
AS/A2 Level Computing

About The Site

The Multiwingspan domain is owned and maintained by M Atkinson. The purpose of the site is to allow me to host the web pages that I design as well as to provide additional materials related to the subjects that I teach. Pages produced by students have also published on this web space.

About The Name

The name is based on a mishearing of a joke in The Fast Show. I was so overjoyed to find a domain name that hadn't been taken (most real words - even obscure ones - were already taken) that I rushed ahead and got it before I realised that I'd made a mistake. It turned out to be quite easy to remember and avoids me having to use numbers to make a unique domain name. If you are looking to choose a domain name, I suggest you jot down as many ideas as you can before checking availability. Obscure, made-up names are less likely to have been taken.

Design Principles

I generally try to err on the side of simplicity and make some attempt to consider the needs of the site's visitors. The pages are relatively light on images although there is a fair bit of coding behind some of the pages. The pages are designed to be viewed at 1024x768 on 5th generation browsers or later. The menus work in Internet Explorer and Firefox.

Technologies Used

This version of the site uses a mixture of scripting languages to display material. The structure of the site is produced using PHP to pick up content from text files stored in folders for each section or from MySQL databases . Some materials are stored in a MySQL database and displayed using a range of queries. CSS is used in separate header files to ensure that formatting is consistent across the site as a whole and Javascript is used to make the pulldown menus and games work (in my browser at least).

The Dim & Distant

The current version of the site is a reworking of the site as it looks in the screenshot below. The advent of larger monitors and higher screen resolutions meant that the site was looking smaller and smaller. I also got a bit busy and had no time to do much with the site for quite a while. An update was long overdue.

The site used to look something like this. The colour schemes and general layout have been preserved in this version. This was the first time I tried to draw together the different sections of the site into a single framework. I never liked the way that achieved the layout and wanted something a little more flexible.

This design reigned for about 6 months until I spent a day on the site above. I was never happy with this. Looking back it's not hard to see why. Frames all over the place, each section looking different, not much in the way of content.

For a while, the Multiwingspan domain contained this monstrosity. It was a shoddily made frame-based layout with each section looking different from the others. It was only meant to be temporary and fortunately it was.