Computer Science
Programming Paradigms

The term programming paradigm is used to describe a particular approach or methodology used when programming. Different languages accomodate different paradigms. Some languages allow development using more than one paradigm or a mix of techniques.

Structured Programming

Structured programming is described in the notes for Unit 1 - Structured Programming

Functional Programming

Functional programming involves writing functions to solve problems, normally mathematical in nature. The program will use lists of values and functions that manipulate these values to provide a solution. Examples of languages include Haskell or F Sharp.

Logic Programming

Logic programming means defining a set of facts and rules. The program uses this knowledge base and its inference engine to determine the solution to a problem. Prolog is an example of such a language and is explained in the Prolog section of the site.

Event-Driven Programming

Event-driven programming means programming the computer's response to events like a mouse click or keyboard entry. The program continues to execute in a system loop reacting to the events that have been programmed.

Object-Oriented Programming

Examples include Java and C++. Object-oriented capability is found to some degree in most recent programming environments. In OOP, programmers develop and use objects in their programming. More in the next section.